Title: "Mookie Betts 50/50 Foundation Fundraiser"
Client: The 50/50 Foundation
Role: Field Producer
Description: I served as the field producer for an event with Mookie Betts' 50/50 Foundation at LA Live's Lucky Strike, coordinating media coverage and managing on-site logistics. The event brought together fans and supporters for an exciting evening, where I oversaw interviews, event flow, and ensured a seamless production experience for both attendees and the foundation.

Title: "Citizens Whiskey Testimony"
Client: Citizens Relations
Role: Field Producer
Description: I field produced a dynamic shoot with Citizens Relations in San Francisco, promoting a new whiskey brand. I managed on-location logistics, coordinated the production crew, and ensured smooth execution of the shoot, capturing the essence of the brand while creating engaging promotional content.

Title: "LadyLike UCLA DAY 2022"
Client: The LadyLike Foundation
Role: Field Producer
Description: For UCLA Day 2022 with the Ladylike Foundation, I served as the lead field producer. My responsibilities included managing the media team, conducting interviews, handling photography, and acting as the main liaison between The Ladylike Foundation, our media team, and the event production team to ensure smooth communication and execution of the event.

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